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Statement of Environmental Policy

Golden Tulip Keyser Breda considers saving the environment as a result of her company activities as one of her main objectives. Controlling the strain on the environment and restricting the environmental risks are the primary responsibility of both the management and the employees of the Golden Tulip Keyser Breda.

The care for the environment will be a structural part of and show a liaison with the other company objectives. All employees are obliged to do their duties according to fixed procedures with the accompanying company policy and to consider this as an apparent way of working.

The policy of Golden Tulip Keyser Breda is:
To deliver services which meet and adapt to the expectations of the guests.
To conduct business in such a way that the environment is protected and the health of her employees, guests, suppliers and the public is guaranteed.

In order to achieve this policy, Golden Tulip Keyser Breda considers the following rules:

  • Acknowledge the importance of the environment, in case company and commercial matters are under discussion;
  • Apply to the laws and rules concerning environmental matters;
  • To train every employee and keep him responsible for complying with the policy and enabling him to clear obstruction for a continued improvement of the environmental achievements;
  • To measure the improvement in the field of environment by means of executing a monitoring program.

Finally, as part of our policy, Golden Tulip Keyser Breda aims at minimizing the production of waste and reducing a negative influence on the air, water and soil, as a result of the conduct of business by means of an affective environmental care system.


D.M. van Ommen
General Manager